Progress waits for no-one (or business). Here’s why users of the integrate software are glad to have us in their corner.
Where has the first half of the year gone? What did it look like for you?
One thing’s for sure, business keeps moving and the to-do list keeps regenerating! Whilst you’ll have no doubt taken stock, it’s more important than ever to push forward and stay ahead. This is where your investment in EndtoEnd’s integrate door and window software continues to pay you back.
We’ve been working hard for you in the background because signing on the dotted line with EndtoEnd is just the start. We’re in constant dialogue with our customers, listening to suggestions, identifying improvements and taking action to make your work even more efficient.
People say ‘we’ve thought of everything.’ But software needs are ever-changing. We say we’re constantly improving through this collaboration with our customers. So, here are the top 5 updates helping our users right now.
1. Quote & Survey Matrix – Column header display now customisable.
The Matrix page allows users to see the quote details before it’s produced. Alongside the diagram of each item, all specification information is presented in one place.
Your quote can be easily checked before sending off, avoiding mistakes costing time and money – timber type, finish, spacer colour and the rest… all accurate for all items.

And it’s now even better.
Some information won’t be relevant to your organisation or specific project and you can now select the columns that appear. Also, where you see the pencil icon, detail such as paint colour can be updated without going back to the design drawing module.
All the information you need, in one place, in a format that keeps things moving.
2. Drawing Board – Mixed spacer dimensions accommodated.
Bespoke windows and non-standard designs need bespoke software. It’s what sets integrate and its user experience apart.
This new development lets you specify different glass spacer dimensions within different parts of the same item. As window and door experts, you know the job that needs doing on site. The integrate software accommodates all these intricacies on the screen.
Take items with a mixture of doors and direct glazed sections. The glazed units will commonly have wider spacer bars than those in the door. No ‘must remember’ sticky notes needed. Everything displayed on screen as its going to look in practice.
Take a look at the examples below.

3. Xero integration – Invoices at your fingertips.
‘Where are we up to with that invoice?’
Answers like this can’t be held in your head. But they do need to be available at your fingertips.
Integrate produces invoices from Xero directly for your leads or orders, taking figures straight from the parts and installation integrate modules.
It’s easy. Select the Accounts tab. Look up contact. Create the invoice. Done.

From here, integrate shows the ‘live’ invoice status, so there’s no need to keeping logging into Xero to check.
When it’s created, you’ll know.
When it’s due, you’ll know.
When it’s paid, you’ll know.
One system, all the information you need.

(p.s – see our blog on connecting with accounting software, and don’t forget we integrate with other apps too like HubSpot).
4. Drawing Board – New panel types
Your windows and doors aren’t ‘off the shelf’ and neither is the software you’ve invested in.
The Drawing Board now allows different panel types to be specified within the same item. New panel types have also been added, including Quirk, Shadow-gap and Louvre.
Need to mix a flat panel with a raised, field panel design and different beading? Planning different designs internally and externally? No problem! These designs can be easily drawn up with integrate.
Bespoke designs displayed for you on your bespoke software. Take a look below.

5. Collaboration on uploads – Editing images from other users.
Window and door design projects are collaborative – the integrate system facilitates this for you.
New updates now allow users to rotate, tag and delete items uploaded by others, meaning the progress of a project doesn’t hinge on an individual or the ‘holder of the information.’
Images clarify a process and provide insight, so this new development gives greater flexibility. Uploads from any user can be accessed and used for other purposes, such as bringing clarity to item or order covers.
But you remain in control! If you’re anything like us, you’ll be pleased to know permission for this is specifically assigned to users within groups.

You can see lots of progress has been made. We’re looking forward to sharing future updates as we continue to keep our clients ahead of the rest.
New customer?
Maybe you’re not yet using the integrate software. From sales to sign off, we know the system can develop and enhance your business processes.
Why not take a look at our ‘New Customer FAQs.’ It could be time for you to take a step forward and separate yourselves from the competition?